Initial Consultation

As a fully trained, qualified, professional and caring Therapist, I typically offer potential Clients, a free of charge, 30-40min ‘Initial Consultation’ session.  This is a very important session serving several needs.  Firstly it allows me to get a much more detailed idea as to what the Client is struggling with, where they are in life and what’s going on that might be causing them Unwanted Functioning, Thinking and/or Behaviour. How it affects them day to day and how it may have came about, its origins.  I will then advise if I feel I can assist them, what therapy or mix of therapies I would suggest to give us the most timely and efficient positive results and if possible, a guide as to how many therapy sessions it might take to resolve the symptoms.  Finally and most importantly, its an opportunity for the Client to meet me and for them to determine if they would feel comfortable with me as their Therapist, should they choose to move forward with therapy.  If they decide they would like to move forward, I simply book an appointment for an agreed time in the near future.

head and shoulder image of smiling, relaxed Mindset therapist Trevor Collins

At Mindset I offer both Face to Face consultations which take place in my Consulting Room at Runfold and Online consultations which take place via the Zoom platform.  Both services have proven to be very successful over the years.   Please feel free to review my Terms of Therapy and Cost of Therapy pages for further details if required.