Stop Smoking Program

Mindset Easy Quit Smoking Program

The use of Hypnosis to STOP Smoking has been the most successful therapy in helping people to quit the Smoking habit for over 50 years.  At Mindset Clinical Hypnotherapy & BWRT we can now offer you both a very successful, Award Winning, Hypnosis based ‘Easy Quit Smoking’ procedure  or an equally successful BWRT (non-hypnosis) based procedure. Each takes place across a 2 hour session only. Each session has two aspects to it. The first focuses very specifically on detailed facts as to the background of smoking, what exactly your body is having to deal with and the effects this may cause for your future quality of life. Once you have the real facts to consider, we then move to a personalised Hypnosis or BWRT session, which helps solidify your thought process, to break that psychological habit hold and to help allow you to achieve freedom, to set yourself free from this invasive, destructive habit. And this is achieved at a session cost of <5% of the average annual spend of a cigarette smoker.

Benefits to your Health when you Stop Smoking

If you truly wish to Stop Smoking once and for all and finally become a natural non-smoker of your own choice, then at Mindset we’re able to make this a reality for you, once and for all. See the table below ‘Benefits of Stopping the Smoking Habit’ to see just how quickly your body will start to repair the damage.

Time stopped
Low risk – High risk
Benfits to the Body
20 mins 20 mins

Blood pressure drops to normal

Pulse rate drops to normal

Temperature of hands and feet returns to normal

8 hrs 8 hrs

Carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal

Oxygen level in blood increases to normal

24 hrs 24 hrsChance of heart attack decreased
48 hrs 48 hrs

Nerve endings start to re-grow

Smell and taste improved

2 wks 3 mths

Circulation improves

Exercise, including walking, becomes easier

Lung function increased by up to one-third

1 mth 9 mths

Cilia re-grow in lungs and airways, increasing lung’s self-maintenance

Energy levels increase overall

Coughing, sinus problems, tiredness, shortness of breath all decrease

1 yr 1½yrs

Excess risk of heart disease is halved

Recovery rate from heart bypass surgery almost doubled

2½yrs 5 yrs

Lung cancer death rate for average former smoker almost halved

Risk of mouth and throat cancer halved

5 yrs 10 yrsRisk of stroke similar to non-smoker
10 yrs 10 yrs

Lung cancer death rate the same as for non-smokers

Pre-cancerous cells have been replaced

Risk of cancer of mouth, throat, bladder, kidneys, pancreas decreases

10 yrs 15 yrsRisk of heart disease is that of a non-smoker.

Low risk indicators: Under 35 years old; smoking 15 a day or less; good level of fitness; regular exercise taken; no persistent cough; low total consumption since starting.

High risk indicators: Over 50 years old; smoking 30 a day or more; poor fitness level; no regular exercise taken; persistent cough; high total consumption since starting.

These figures are based on research by more than one cancer society and do not represent guaranteed clinical or physical improvements to anyone particular individual. It is widely accepted that non-smokers, even those who have smoked at some time in their lives, live longer and with a higher quality of life than those who smoke or continue to smoke.

If you would like to discuss further any aspects of either therapy for ‘Easy Quit Smoking’, please don’t hesitate to simply Contact Me.