About your Therapist

Trevor Collins DHP, MIBWRT (Adv.)

Mindset Owner and Registered Advanced Therapist

head and shoulder image of smiling, relaxed Mindset therapist Trevor Collins

If you’re looking for a local Psychotherapist, someone who helps people who are struggling with unwanted functioning, thinking and behaviour issues as a result of how their mind seems to be working, a quick search will reveal they come from all walks of life, so I wanted to share a little about Mindset Clinical Hypnotherapy & BWRT® and myself.  

Over the last 12 years I have studied a wide range of Hypnosis based techniques including  Hypnotherapy, WSN Parts ‘Identity’ Therapy and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), plus the extensive Brain Working Recursive Therapy (BWRT) techniques. Today I am a professionally trained, fully qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist & Registered Advanced BWRT® Practitioner, qualified in Hypnotherapy, Hypno-Analysis, Advanced BWRT® (Brain Working Recursive Therapy), WSN Parts Therapy and Quantum Healing Technique (Regression Therapy).   


Diploma in Professional Hypnotherapy – Royal Berkshire College of Clinical Hypnosis.

Registered Advanced Practitioner BWRT Level 1 – General Psychopathology.

Registered Advanced Practitioner BWRT Level 2 – Psychology of Identity and Behaviour

WSN Parts Therapist

Advanced Practitioner in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique


I originally started my practice in Sandhurst part-time and then moved to continue as a fully trained local Hypnotherapist to the village of Tongham on the north side of the A31 Hogs Back, with my full-time Consulting Room/Office conveniently located at Coltwood House in Runfold. With Toilets, a Waiting Room, Free Parking and easy access from the A31, M3 & A331, its an ideal location.

I have strong communication skills having been involved in Sales and Marketing within the Medical & Electronics industry for some 25 years in my career, prior to training as a Professional Hypnotherapist & BWRT Practitioner.

I decided on a career as a  Psychotherapist as a way for me to use my life skills and life’s experience, coupled with my ongoing professional training, to be able to help others in their pursuit of a more balanced life.  To be able to assist people in ridding  themselves of addictions or unwanted thinking, functioning and/or behaviour and so enabling them to lead a much more enjoyable life, or to simply assist in providing stress & anxiety relief, raising their low self esteem to where it should be, or building self confidence and belief for an up and coming exam or event in their life, can be tremendously rewarding.

I hope I can be of assistance to you in finding a more balanced and rewarding life also.

Professional Association & Standards:

I am bound by an ethical code of conduct and confidentiality as an accredited member of the following professional associations:-


Liability Insurance and a GDPR Compliance are also a prerequisite of my Association Membership, details of both can be found on the Mindset Resources page.